Friday, March 13, 2015

Surgery Day

I hardly slept the night before my surgery. I couldn't help but wonder if this would be my last time with my husband and my girls.

The morning of my surgery I washed with the Hibiclens soap they provided, put on freshly washed clothes and headed to the hospital. When weighed before my surgery I was down to 271. I had lost 14 pounds on my pre-surgery diet.

My operating room team came in, introduced themselves and got me prepped for surgery. My surgeon came in and asked if I had any questions. They gave me my "margarita mix" and wheeled me back to the operating room. I remember the bright lights in my face and someone telling me they were giving me an oxygen mask....then I smelled the gas...ugh.... That was the one thing I didn't want. I remember thinking "Oh great, here it comes..." and then I was out. The next thing I remember was someone telling me to cough real hard.

After recovery I was taken up to my room. I did have some gas pains right at the base of my breast bone but it was eased up by walking and burping. I had difficulty keeping my pain medicine down so after the second day I just didn't take it. I was also very nauseated so I stayed in the hospital until Thursday. I did have some vomiting and dry heaving and was soooo terrified I would pop a staple/stitch.

After coming home I continued to walk and sip, sip, sip. You learn quickly when you've had enough or when you've taken in too much water. I did liquids the first week and then moved on to cottage cheese, boiled or scrambled eggs and one time refried beans. During my week of clear liquids I lived on popsicles. They helped soooo much. Just drinking straight water would make me nauseous. Propel water was such a huge help. I still drink it because it breaks up all the water. My surgeon wants me on 64 ounces of water a day. It's not that easy....especially when you can't sip through a straw!

I went to my 10-day check up with my surgeon and I'm down now almost 20 pounds. Since I started my weight loss journey in January I am down exactly 30 pounds.

Sunday, March 1, 2015

1 Day Before Surgery & Pre-Op Diet

These last few days prior to surgery have been a full range of mixed emotions. One minute I am semi-excited, then the next I am almost in tears I'm so scared. 

Of course my biggest fear is not waking up. I have read the statistics. I know the Gastric Sleeve is one of the safest weight loss surgeries. I know that is has the best recovery rates and fewest complications. But, it's still a surgery.
I think of how my life will change. It's not just for a few months or a year. This will be my new life...for my whole life. I know if I use it correctly it will actually help me live a healthier, more active life...but again, it's still a surgery....and I worry about not waking up.

The week before my surgery my doctor had me drink two protein shakes a day, two light snacks and a light meal comprised mostly of protein.
I drank AdvantEdge Carb Control shakes. Since I have never drank a protein shake before I didn't know they needed to be cold. I almost vomited the first time I tried it. I knew this would be a week from hell.
I figured it out quickly the shakes needed to be refrigerated. The first few days were torture. All I could think of was I would have carrots or celery or broccoli for my snacks and dinner would be baked fish or chicken a fresh veggie, like green beans, asparagus and brussel sprouts. 

My pre-op diet did help me lose 15 pounds in one week before surgery. Here I am before my pre-op diet at 285. 
This was my first day on my pre-op diet. 
This one is Friday, my last day of work and my fifth day on my pre-op diet. 
I'm down 12 pounds here.

And this is just a close up of the changes in my face after losing those first 15 pounds. The top picture was taken last night and the bottom one was right before my pre-op diet started.
My current weight is 270. 
My surgery is scheduled for tomorrow morning. I am nervous and scared and yet excited. 
I am ready to not live to eat but eat to live. 
I am ready to have more to focus on than what and when my next meal will be.
I am ready to achieve what will be a HUGE goal for run a mile without stopping.
I am ready to buy a normal sized bra that won't cost upwards of $100 and have to be ordered online!
I am ready to fit in an airplane seat comfortably.
I'm ready for the new life this surgery will help me achieve.
I am really ready to be finished with the surgery and get started on my recovery.

Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Approval and a Surgery Date

This could possibly be the email that changes my life.
I started my journey to weight loss surgery several years ago. My husband and I visited with a doctor about the lap band. I wasn't convinced and honestly unsure about having "equipment" inside me. 
At the time I wasn't uncomfortable, had no medical issues and shelved the idea of weight loss surgery.

A few years passed and my husband and I visited with another doctor, did the psych tests, met the nutritionist and again, shelved the idea. 
A couple of more years pass and we visited yet a third weight loss surgeon, didn't feel convinced that he was doing this for the health aspect and not for cosmetic reasons. I still get his emails and need to unsubscribe from them. 
Then we met with a fourth doctor. A co-worker used him and was happy with her results, so we visited him. I'm not sure why we didn't go back but we didn't and when we finally did his cost sky-rocketed.
By this time my husband has several health issues that would be serious if he didn't get them under control and I was at my highest weight ever. 
I have found it uncomfortable to just be...
I was in a rough landing airplane incident and injured my neck. This left me unable to do the things I did before. Though I had always been overweight, I was still very active. I used to walk 2-3 miles a night with my girls. I would Zumba and do yoga. 
After this neck injury that all stopped and the weight piled on.
I knew the time had come.
Currently I weigh 283 pounds and my husband weighs 291.
We decided to both go with the gastric sleeve for many reasons; fewer complications, quicker healing time and no internal equipment.

When I received the call that my insurance no longer required the six month diet I was over the moon excited! Today I received the above email and by lunch I was scheduled for surgery in 12 days. 

I am so excited but also nervous. I think that is normal. My concern is 1.) not waking up 2.)developing a leak 3.) developing a blood clot 4.) some other major complication that would result in me not making it.

I am excited about wearing prettier clothes and hopefully smaller shoes and good lord, hopefully, please, please a smaller bra!!!
But more than that I am excited about living a healthier life. I am excited to be active, to jog, to not be tired, to cross my legs, to tie my shoes without cutting off my breath, to clean my bottom without cutting off my breath, to fit comfortably in an airplane seat and to not be pre-diabetic...just to name a few.

I start my pre-surgery diet next week. It will consists of two protein shakes and a light dinner of turkey, chicken or fish.
I just can't wait until both my Papa Bear and I are both recovered and on our way to a healthier, longer life together!